Tag: Employee Engagement

Tag: Employee Engagement

Rewards and Incentives – A Novel Approach

Rewards and Incentives

Employee rewards and incentives are a way to recognise employees for doing a good job. These can take the form of vouchers, gifts, bonuses, and so on. Science is finding novel ways to structure rewards and incentive programmes to get the best bang for your buck. For example studies have found, if as a company

Employee Engagement

According to a Towers Watson Study, employee engagement is the willingness to put additional discretionary effort into work (extra time, brainpower and energy), beyond what is considered ‘enough’. Engaged employees have the desire and commitment to do the best they can and make a measurable contribution to an organisation’s performance. In other words your employees

Which yields the best ROI: Fixing staff weaknesses or growing their strengths?


  It has been drummed in to us from a young age that we “Grow the most in our area of weakness”. For example, when looking at a school report what do we naturally gravitate to? The lower scores, this is often where the most energy is focused for development. Research by the Gallup Organisation